Yesterday was a GREAT day!
First of all, TheraSuit began yesterday! And we are so excited and happy that Miss Ashley Cruttenden is spending the next three weeks here at The Therapy Place conducting TheraSuit with two of our kids: Cooper and Jocelyn.
As I may have mentioned before, TheraSuit is an awesome therapy that works with balance, coordination, and improving muscle tone and quality. Ashley works with Cooper and Jocelyn for three weeks, five days a week, for three consecutive hours. Now, that is intensive therapy. TheraSuit Method utilizes a special suit with bungees that can be tailored to place emphasis on certain areas of the body, giving support where needed as well as taking it away. It also utilizes a cage with bungees, belts, and sandbag weights that gives support and works on building muscle. As someone who cannot fully explain TheraSuit, I recommend visiting TheraSuit Method to learn more. I am also going to take a video of Ashley working so that y'all can see for your very own eyes just how it works.
We are also pleased to announce the arrival of our brand new building sign!!!!
Isn't it beautiful?!?! Yesterday while Conductive Education, TheraSuit, and regular therapies were going on, two massive trucks pulled up with a HUGE trailer. We were so confused, not sure exactly what was going on.
Suddenly, it clicked as Dawn and I both jumped up in excitement: OUR SIGN WAS HERE!! And just in time, too. Now, we can officially be found as people make their way down Covenant Road! It's amazing just how big of a difference a sign can make.
A huge thank you goes out to Flagship Signs who provided this beautiful mark upon our building, and helping to further complete this amazing organization. It was hot, and it was humid, and yes, the wind did blow the sign everywhere (making it very difficult), but it is up and WE ARE HERE!!
Whew, TheraSuit, Conductive Education, a new sign, and miracles which happen every day; it's a wonder we are not absolutely exhausted! How could we be? We are witnesses to a plan unfolding; a plan that is so awesome and amazing, bringing new surprises and joys each day.
Hey, y'all try to be good while I dig up some more interesting stuff to give you. And if you get the chance, swing by to take a look at our brand new sign. It's pretty cool :)