Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Innovation: It's Not Just For Breakfast Anymore!

Yesterday was a GREAT day!

First of all, TheraSuit began yesterday! And we are so excited and happy that Miss Ashley Cruttenden is spending the next three weeks here at The Therapy Place conducting TheraSuit with two of our kids: Cooper and Jocelyn.

As I may have mentioned before, TheraSuit is an awesome therapy that works with balance, coordination, and improving muscle tone and quality. Ashley works with Cooper and Jocelyn for three weeks, five days a week, for three consecutive hours. Now, that is intensive therapy. TheraSuit Method utilizes a special suit with bungees that can be tailored to place emphasis on certain areas of the body, giving support where needed as well as taking it away. It also utilizes a cage with bungees, belts, and sandbag weights that gives support and works on building muscle. As someone who cannot fully explain TheraSuit, I recommend visiting TheraSuit Method to learn more. I am also going to take a video of Ashley working so that y'all can see for your very own eyes just how it works.

We are also pleased to announce the arrival of our brand new building sign!!!!

Isn't it beautiful?!?! Yesterday while Conductive Education, TheraSuit, and regular therapies were going on, two massive trucks pulled up with a HUGE trailer. We were so confused, not sure exactly what was going on.

Suddenly, it clicked as Dawn and I both jumped up in excitement: OUR SIGN WAS HERE!! And just in time, too. Now, we can officially be found as people make their way down Covenant Road! It's amazing just how big of a difference a sign can make.

A huge thank you goes out to Flagship Signs who provided this beautiful mark upon our building, and helping to further complete this amazing organization. It was hot, and it was humid, and yes, the wind did blow the sign everywhere (making it very difficult), but it is up and WE ARE HERE!!

Whew, TheraSuit, Conductive Education, a new sign, and miracles which happen every day; it's a wonder we are not absolutely exhausted! How could we be? We are witnesses to a plan unfolding; a plan that is so awesome and amazing, bringing new surprises and joys each day.

Hey, y'all try to be good while I dig up some more interesting stuff to give you. And if you get the chance, swing by to take a look at our brand new sign. It's pretty cool :)

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Miracles Happen Every Day

My, oh my, we have been very busy here at The Therapy Place. Everyone is getting excited for all of the new goings-on that are about to take place such as the anticipation of our new building sign (HOORAY!), all of the new children coming in for Conductive Education next week, AND the delivery of the TheraSuit cage! So much has been happening, and I feel like there just isn't enough time in the day to tell y'all all about it.
We'll start with the main reason for this post today. First, I would like to apologize for how late it is; I meant to post it over the weekend when it was fresh, but hey, better late than never. Last Friday, a miracle took place here. Now, don't get me wrong, miracles take place here every single day. However, this blessing that took place Friday morning reminded me that God has a plan, and that whenever a door shuts, He opens up a window.
Here at The Therapy Place, our therapists see a little boy by the name of Jacob who has been in need of a Rifton Gait Trainer for quite some time now. We have one here, but Jacob also needs one at home for when he is not here. After several weeks of being told that insurance will not help with the payment of the gait trainer, and Jacob's parents realizing that they will have to pay for the equipment with their own money, there seemed to be very little hope.
Last Friday everyone was busy in meetings, Conductive Education, their own busy work, when a friend of Susan's (Susan is the co-founder of this wonderful organization) stopped by to drop off some items belonging to her daughter. Because her daughter has grown out of these items, she decided to donate them to The Therapy Place in the hopes that we could put them to good use. There among the items was a Rifton Gait Trainer, the exact size needed for Jacob. The gait trainer was even the same color we were looking at ordering for him. Amazing, right? The story does not end there, ladies and gentlemen. No, it only gets better.
Jacob is seen twice a week for physical therapy, Friday being one of those days. When Susan's friend came to drop off the items, what she did not realize was that little Jacob would be arriving with his mom, sister, and brother in 30 minutes for therapy. I wish everyone could have seen the face of the mother who gave such a wonderful gift to a little boy in need, the faces of each of us watching this miracle take place, and the face of Jacob's mother when we showed her what Jacob was going to take home that day.
I have added a video of darling Jacob using his new Rifton Gait Trainer. I feel so blessed to be a witness to this awesome miracle, and the many miracles I watch take place here every day.