Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Back in Business

Whew! It has been such a long time since any of us have been on this thing! My most sincere apologies go out to each of you.
Well, we have just begun Conductive Education 2011, and everyone here at The Therapy Place is excited that it is finally here! And the best part of it? Kristina is here to stay! That means that Conductive Ed is going to be offered year-round. I am hoping to post more information on the schedule and how everything is going to work out, but for now, everyone can simply log on to to find more information on Conductive Ed.
So allow me to introduce myself: my name is Brooke, and I will be your author, informer, entertainer, blogger, photographer, videographer, and possibly much more. Dawn and Susan hired me back in May, and we are just now getting back in to the routine of blogging. Honestly, it really is a difficult thing to keep up with; I've tried it before. In a nutshell, I love the children who come here for therapy, and if I can share with y'all even a glimpse of the blessings, miracles, and and overall awesomeness that happens here, your hearts will be touched forever.
Like I mentioned, Conductive Education has begun, and already we are seeing huge transformations. One of our boys stood for 15 seconds yesterday, after standing for only 8 the day before! The work these children are putting in to the activities is tremendous, and I can only stand in awe at their strength and perseverance. I hope that I can document accurately and effectively the journey of every child who steps through our doors, and somehow convey to you, our readers, the wonderful things taking place within these walls. Keep checking to see what new things are taking place at The Therapy Place.
I know this is a short blog, but I thought I might as well introduce myself and let you know that yes, we are back and we are here to stay. So for now, have a wonderful afternoon, and I'll talk to ya when I talk to ya.

1 comment:

  1. And we're not just Conductive Education anymore! We're also offering PT, OT and ST for all children. AND this summer we're offering our first session of TheraSuit Method!
